After news broke that Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson was benched for allegedly abusing his young son, NFL legend Cris Carter had a few powerful words about why hitting our children is not the only (or even the best) way to teach them how to behave.
September 14, 2014
Great off the cuff moment.
September 14, 2014
Thank You for that comment. So many of us are holding onto the pain of the past we don’t recognize we are causing pain to others in the present. My grandfather used to make us find the switch from the tree which would be used to beat us with. I Never considered doing that to my children. As you said your mother did the best she could but a lot of what our parents did was destructive to our self-esteem and self worth. More information is out now on child raising then when we grew up. When we know better we must do better. Peterson obviously doesn’t know better and should receive anger management and parenting classes immediately.
September 15, 2014
You people who say you don’t discipline your children are why we as society have to deal with so many wayward, rebellious and disrespecting of authority miscreants in today’s world. They have no fear of repercussions other than being caught by legal authority (and will even buck against them when they are dead wrong and caught in their illegal activity).
September 15, 2014
You do realize that spanking/hitting isn’t the only form of discipline, right?
Also, I’d wager if you ask the so-called “miscreants” you speak of if they were spanked or hit, most would say yes. Speaking from my six years as a middle school teacher, the kids who acted out the most were also hit, slapped, hit with cords, shoes, etc. That didn’t stop them from being “bad,” though. They just got hit & kept doing what they wanted to do.
September 16, 2014
One of the greatest sports moments in history…thank you, Chris Carter!